Dr Musigunde – The Jolly Music Doctor

Another project that is designed by KULTUR FÜR KINDER and exclusively for Kulturschultüte pupils is called Dr Musigunde, the jolly music doctor. After visiting Europe’s many concert halls the expert in music therapy is hotly awaited in Vienna. A tour with the Vienna Boys Choir is coming up soon, accompanied by the Schubert Orchestra. But before this can happen all instruments and singers need an urgent health check to cure any tensions, upsets, sore throats or other ailments!

So, in the concert hall of the Vienna Boys Choir a musical doctor’s surgery will be set up, where Dr Musigunde will check the orchestral instruments and, using breathing, aural and vocal exercises, will heal all ills! Because only when the instruments are well tuned and listening to each other, can they properly accompany the wonderful voices of the Vienna Boys Choir.

The children and their teachers will be turned into superb assistants of the doctor herself beforehand, and will be a huge help in the musical hospital at MuTh.

Workshop for teachers:


Classroom workshops:


4th of March 2021, Palais Augarten, Salon

12th April 2020 at 9am and 11am, MuTh – Konzertsaal der Wiener Sängerknaben

Check the Kulturschultüte lists in the downloads area.

Eva-Maria Wall at wall@kulturfuerkinder.at or 01/925 63 23